Aquatics Guru
Pond liner Calculator tool
To calculate the correct dimensions for your pond liner you need to account for the depth of your pond, as well as its width and length. To save you from the headache of calculating this yourself we’ve created the Pond Liner Calculator.
Common Fish Ailments: how they occur and how to cure.
Fish illness is very distressing to see and it can be hard to know what is happening, why and how to solve it. This article will lay out the common ailments found in most tanks and ponds, what are the potential causes and how to treat your sick fish.
How to treat blanketweed and nuisance algae: Case study
How do you treat blanketweed? Is one of the most common questions we get asked. First you need to know what causes it to grow in your pond or water feature. There are serval causes and normally its a combination of issues that lead to poor water quality and the resulting algae growth.
Pond Treatments Calculator tool
With a variety of treatments and pond sizes, it can be tricky knowing how much you need to put in your pond. Let us calculate the dosage for you!
To make it easier using the pond treatments we sell, this handy dosage calculator tells you the amount you will need to put into your system.
The Nitrogen Cycle and what’s in your tank!
What is it? It is the process by which waste is converted from a very toxic substance called Ammonia (produced by fish waste) into the far less toxic substance Nitrate, which is removed during water changes when it builds up. Once the cycle is complete, ammonia and nitrite levels should be zero and nitrate is kept low by water changes. Learn more science!